Sunday, November 29, 2009

Top Ten Nursery Design Tips

Author: Helen Burroughs


Nursery decorating should be a fun and enjoyable process. Unfortunately, however, many moms-to-be find the prospect of nursery design daunting and stressful.

Here are my top ten tips to help make your nursery decorating project a wonderful beginning to the awesome journey of motherhood.

1. Start Early

Start early in your second trimester when the nausea has passed (hopefully) and your energy has kicked in. Leaving it for your third trimester is a big mistake. Unless you are one of the lucky few who seem to be completely unaffected by pregnancy, you will be fast running out of steam by then!

2. Have a Plan

Have a plan before you pick up a paint brush! You will avoid much stress and many mistakes by putting in a little extra thought at the beginning.

3. Keep it Simple

Keep your design simple, including your color palette - the simpler it is, the less can go wrong.

4. Look, Look and Look Again

Spend lots of time looking at plenty of pictures before you make up your mind.

5. Draw, Nursery Furniture, a Floor Plan

Complete a floor plan before buying any furniture. A great way to visualize the room is to make large cutouts using the exact dimensions of your furniture. (Newspapers or plastic paint sheets work well.) Move these around on the floor until you are happy with their placement.

6. Be Practical

Make sure your design is practical. Think about how you will actually be using the room.

7. Wire Away

Make sure you complete all necessary wiring before you paint or put in a new floor. You don't want hubby angle grinding through your new wall mural!

8. Paint Samples

Paint samples of your chosen colors on each wall in the room and check them throughout the day in differing levels of light. Make sure you are happy with the way the colors look before you paint the whole room. Lighting conditions can have a dramatic effect on the way a color appears.

9. Think About Size

If your nursery room is small, stick to lighter paint and furniture. If your nursery room is large you can get away with dark furniture and you may want to warm the room up with cozy shades such as red and orange.

10. Washability!

Don't buy anything that cannot be washed or thrown away when baby spits up, pees or poos on it!

Author Helen Burroughs is stay at home mom to three precious little girls. Visit her website for more nursery design tips and enter the baby nursery photos contest when your room is finished!

Friday, November 27, 2009


Author: Max Bellamy


A bedroom is a room used to sleep and rest in. Some people love to read, do some work, sew, watch television or simply relax in their bedroom. In some houses, a room used for other activities during the day becomes a bedroom at night. The number of bedrooms varies from house to house depending on the size of the house.
A typical house contains a master bedroom, a guest bedroom, a child's bedroom and probably a nursery. Usually the master bedroom is dedicated to the husband and wife. The master bedroom usually has an attached bathroom.
The bedroom serves not only as a place to sleep, but is also an extension of one's personal space. A bedroom can be decorated to one's liking with furniture and accessories to suit taste and budgets. It usually contains a bed, dressers, wardrobes, closets, mirror, carpeting, furnishings, air conditioner and heater. Additional accessories include telephone, television, books, computer and a clock.
A child's bedroom usually has a single bed, bunk bed or a crib. Wardrobes, storage areas for, Nursery Furniture, toys, study table and a play area also constitute a child's bedroom.
Different styles of furniture both with a contemporary and traditional look are available to suit varied tastes. Bedroom sets are comprised of a bed, drawer dresser, mirror, chests and nightstands. Available in different colors and finish, they have a classic look.
Furniture sets in varying themes that a child would desire for in his bedroom are also available. The child's bedroom when decorated and designed with great taste becomes a great place for the child to play, sleep or simply hang out.
Accessories are a great addition to one's bedroom. By adding an elegant accessory, a plain bedroom can look elegant and can give your personal space the perfect look.
Flowers when arranged in the bedroom give a fresh look to the room.
A bedroom should look both comfortable and interesting and suit the need or needs of those who lounge and sleep in it.
Bedrooms provides detailed information about bedrooms, bedroom furniture, bedroom sets, bedroom accessories, and more. Bedrooms is the sister site of Carpet Cleaning Machines.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

America's Ancient, Historical Hickory Trees

Author: Pat Malcolm -


In 1792, William Bartram reported in his book, Travels, the discovery of a native shagbark hickory nut that he called 'Juglans exaltata.' Today, shagbark hickory is called 'Carya ovata.' Bartram reported that this shagbark hickory grove was cultivated in groves by the Indians west of Augusta, Ga.

Bartram documented that he saw 100 bushels of shagbark hickory nuts that were stored at just a single Indian family home. The nuts were pounded into a mash, and then boiled in water, where a white, oily liquid separated called 'hickory milk.' The liquid was described to be as sweet and rich as a fresh cream and was an active ingredient used by the Indians in cooking corn bread and hominy grits.

There remains some question whether or not the Indians near Augusta on the Altamaha River hickory groves as described by Bartram were actually planted as orchard trees or just harvested at a naturally located site. Many such productive groves occur, Nursery Furniture, along tidal creeks in Coastal Georgia, a few are left intact by land developers for the recreational value of the trees and the food value of the nuts that are gathered at one such Episcopal camp near Brunswick, Ga. along a tidal basin aquifer 'Honeycreek,' a tributary of the Satilla River.

The hickory cream that was recovered by the Indians for cooking purposes was also described by Indians from the Algonquian tribe in Virginia who called this cream "pawcohiccora," thus the word 'hickory' was adapted, modified, and abbreviated by the English colonists.

The shelled nuts of hickory are greatly sought after and appreciated for the unique flavor, not only by birds and animals, but by cooks and gourmet nut fanciers as well. The shagbark hickory nut, when added to chocolate fudge, leaves a pleasurable, indelible memory to all who are lucky enough to have experienced this delicious encounter.

A group of entrepreneurs out West offer shagbark syrup made from a top secret recipe that is made from a white inner bark extract of the juice obtained in the spring from shagbark hickory trees. The extract is obtained by pressure cooking and straining the juices from the pulverized and shredded bark. The demand is so great for this bottled hickory flavoring, that it has never satisfied the market to chefs throughout the United States. Julia Child reports that one of her favorite gourmet preparations includes mixing the bark extract with bourbon as a marinade for ribs.

Every backyard chef with a grill appreciates the fine flavoring that hickory tree wood smoke transfers into meat, fish, and many other food items. Early colonists used hickory tree wood smoke to flavor, cure, and preserve meats in the famous smokehouses of Virginia.

In the natural state of hardwood forests, hickory trees have hybridized easily and readily within species to produce numerous variations and combinations of characteristics that possess the traditional vigor displayed in scientific intercrosses of species by academic professionals.

The difficulties that have delayed commercial orchard development basically lies in the extreme difficulty in successfully grafting 130 cultivar selections for nursery distributors.

Some hickory nuts have smooth, thin shells that can be easily cracked by squeezing two together in the hand, but other hickory nut shells are so thick and hard that they must be cracked by several vigorous hits from a heavy hammer.

Since hickory nuts are difficult to shell out into large pieces, it is beneficial to soak the nuts in water overnight before cracking. The shelled nuts then should be dried and placed in a cool, dark location until they are to be used in recipes.

Even though some cultivars can produce kernels up to 47% by weight, most nuts only shell out about 30% kernel. There is a great variability in hickory flavor from one cultivar to the next, however, they all have a high unsaturated fat content with strong medical antioxidant properties that transmits that characteristic spicy, sweet, buttery taste from the kernels.

A mature shagbark hickory tree is unmistakable in its shaggy, unkempt trunk appearance and its bright green, shiny leaves constantly moving in the breeze at the globular treetop. Young trees have a shiny, smooth bark that only begin to shred hair-like at an age of about 25 years.

Shagbark hickory trees are easy to transplant until about 4-5 feet tall, when a long taproot begins to anchor the tree to the ground with very few lateral roots. Because of these sturdy, deep growing taproots, and dense wood, the trees are among the best lawn specimens to plant in hurricane locations, since they appear invulnerable to wind damage with very straight trunks.

Several observations have been made on natural state hybridization between shagbark hickory 'Carya ovata,' and pecan trees, 'Carya illinoinensis.' The resulting nuts seem to have flavor and nut characteristics somewhere in between the two species and are being planted by nut hobbyists and some have found a place within some commercial pecan orchards to insure pollination of this genetic marvel named, 'Hican.'

The many uses of shagbark hickory trees include fuel, wood, and furniture products and as a supplement to charcoal cooking as a smoking agent for taste and preservation of meats. Because of the dense wood, hickory is used in tool handles such as hammers and axes, as well as chairs, ladders, golf clubs, baseball bats, and skis.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Guide to Buying Baby Toys

Author: Trevor Ginn


Guide to Buying Baby Toys (0-12 months)

This guide is designed to help parents make toy choices and to assist friends in buying the most appropriate toy for your baby. It is organised by baby age as this provides the best overall guide. Remember also to use the age guide on the toy description and to ensure that the toy is from an established manufacturer who has designed to the latest EU safety regulations. For hygienic reasons toys which will be handled need to be washable.


The newborn has limited senses and toys which provide stimulation can be useful. Baby has very limited vision so toys with strong contrasting colours and movement are suitable. Cot mobiles provide stimulation and brighten up the room. A simple activity gym on a floor mat also provides stimulation. Rattles are always appreciated by baby.

1-3 months

Baby is now developing rapidly and will be starting to lift his/her head and finding the world looks different! Playmats/activity gyms provide reaching shapes which baby can start to "punch". Rattles attached to foot socks are also great for a good kick on the mat. These types of toys encourage the development of motor skills and hand to eye coordination. The use of texture is important and toys with multiple materials and sounds are appreciated by baby.

3-6 months

This is an exciting time as baby becomes more interested in the environment and his/her mouth! Baby will like to pick up small toys (but not so small that they could be swallowed) and turn them over in his hand - before having a good chew!

Toys with sound will intrigue baby but remember that you will need to live with the tune! Designs which incorporate a number of different parts or sections, like stacking blocks, provide stimulation.Baby can be introduced to books - maybe books with animals which will give the Grandparents an opportunity to practice their farmyard sounds …or maybe not!

6-9 months

Baby may be sitting up, Nursery Furniture, by now and trying to crawl so toys which encourage crawling are good. These are toys which can roll such as wooden balls or soft balls with textures. This is a good time to introduce books with nursery rhymes and hand movement, maybe with a CD to help with the singing!

9-12 months

Baby is on the move! Sitting and crawling is now second nature and furniture walking is fun - if a little unstable. A 4 wheel trolley with a handle will encourage mobility. Baby is starting to become independent and exercise choice of play toys. Choosing a particular toy from the box is part of development. Manual dexterity is important so a toy which may be picked up and then opened or separated is fun. Baby will now enjoy musical toys and may have a special toy (make sure you have a backup special toy in case of loss).

It should be noted that cuddly toys are more suited for older children.

Trevor Ginn is managing director at Hello Baby ( an online baby shop based in Bethnal Green, East London, UK. They sell a wide range of Toys and other baby products such as prams, pushchairs, nursery furniture and car seats. Trevor also writes a blog on eCommerce which can Read Trevor Ginn Profile

Trevor Ginn is managing director at Hello Baby ( an online baby shop based in Bethnal Green, East London, UK. They sell a wide range of Toys and other baby products such as prams, pushchairs, nursery furniture and car seats. Trevor also writes a blog on eCommerce which can be found at [/url]

Monday, November 23, 2009

Baby Shower Gift Ideas To Delight Any Mom-to-be, And Her Baby

Author: Rika Susan -


A thoughtfully chosen baby shower gift will be cherished, both for the sentiment attached to it, and the need it is likely to fill. Whether you prefer something unique or creative, or take the practical road, the vast collection of baby shower gifts, Nursery Furniture, and baby gift baskets available, will provide you with just the right idea.

Baby Shower Gift - Firm Furniture Favorites: If you want to contribute a big ticket item to the baby nursery, help with the crib, crib mattress, and indispensable items such as a changing table, will be particularly welcome baby shower gifts. In this case, however, it will be sensible to find out exactly what is needed. You will have to ascertain whether a classic, sleigh design will fit in with the nursery d้cor, or if a more contemporary look will be suitable. Any crib also has to meet the required safety standards. In this case, a gift certificate may even be in order, allowing the prospective parents to make their own choice.

Baby Shower Gift - Traveling Trends: Another quite expensive, must-have item for every newborn, is a quality car seat. This is a baby shower gift that will be used almost daily for a number of years. Buying from a reputable manufacturer is vital, to ensure durability and the necessary safety standards. Other items in this category, are strollers, jogging strollers, with carriers as a less costly option.

Baby Shower Gift - Bedding For A Snug Little Bundle: If you know what the theme in the nursery will be, you can assist by buying suitable bedding as a baby shower gift. Adorable bedding sets are available, to suit every possible theme and color scheme. Choose from plaids and patchwork sets, to cute characters, to animals big and small, to cars and trucks, to sea-life themes. Basic sets include sheeting, a bumper, and a quilt. More extravagant sets cover items such as curtains, lamps, wall paper borders, diaper bags, and many other extras.

Baby Shower Gift - Nursery Paraphernalia: Search for baby gift baskets with quality items no nursery can be without, such as pacifiers, bibs, soothers, lotions and potions, hooded towels, mealtime necessities, and all those little things that can ease a new parent over the bumps of the first few months. If you want to make it more personal, choose a caring collection, and make up your own bountiful basket.

Baby Shower Gift - Nurturing Little Minds: A wide variety of gift ideas target development, and the stimulation of senses. These include educational toys, textured items that encourage development of the sense of touch, and classical music cd's and videos. One of these is the 'Baby Mozart' video, which will delight any baby for many hours. This baby shower gift is a useful tool for teaching new words, and creating an awareness of color and size concepts.

Baby Shower Gift - Toys And Baby-Gear Galore: Toys and adorable baby clothing are always on the wishlist of soon-to-be parents. No baby has ever complained about having too much of these! The most difficult aspect, is choosing from the vast array of styles, collections, and trinkets.

Baby Shower Gift - Pamper Exhausted Parents: While the main focus at a baby shower is on the baby, a considerate 'extra' may be a gift basket to perk mom and dad up, after yet another sleepless night. Use your imagination, and collect a few spoil-yourself items, such as chocolate, bubble bath, scented candles, a magazine or two, and any other pampering products. Your gift will be remembered with fondness, and gratitude for your thoughtfulness.

In the end, it is not how much you spend that matters. What is important, is the thought and care that went into the baby shower gift.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Objects of Desire

Author: Terry Henman


During the 1950’s, enterprising furniture companies began to forge productive and long lasting partnerships with the leading designers of the day. In the USA one company stood out above all others: Herman Miller. Their relationship with Charles and Ray Eames –two of the greatest designers in American history- would lead to the creation and production of some of the most lauded and sought after pieces of furniture the world has seen. Charles Eames, working in collaboration with his wife Ray, pushed forward technological frontiers by constant experimentation with moulded plywood and plastics. Dining and living room chairs, stacking chairs, desks, screens, wall units: virtually any piece by the Eameses is now highly collectable today, and in this article we will take a look at some of the best examples to look out for.

Saving the best until last, the Eames lounge chair 670 with its matching ottoman is so iconic it borders on retro cliché and has been the must have piece for the discerning collector in every design era since its introduction in1956. Standing on a rotating metal base, the rosewood shell of both the chair and ottoman oozes class and expense as it wraps around the plump, down-filled leather upholstery. The chair is broken down into segments, which enables it to grip every contour of its occupant, providing ultimate comfort. So popular are these chairs, they still in production today so if you can’t find an original, you will easily get your hands on a reproduction. They don’t come cheap but as you sigh a long and relaxing breath and kick off your shoes to nestle your feet into the cushioned leather of the ottoman, never will you more feel the benefit of money well spent.

The Eames fibreglass rocking chair was sold by Herman Miller from 1950 to 1968, then, quite amazingly, was offered only as a gift to employees of the company who became parents. Comprising of a revolutionary pure white one-piece, sculpted fibreglass seat, which curls gracefully around its occupant, taking on the look of an exotic flower, and a delicate, catamaran-like, rocking base, the chair has an almost ethereal feel. It exudes a calm wistfulness and, if you can, Nursery Furniture, find one, would be the perfect accessory in the corner of a study, library or nursery room.

If it is a real statement piece you need to really fill a space, look no further than the La Chaise chair. The La Chaise dominates any room in which it is placed. Though identical in its physical makeup and fabric composition to the Eames rocking chair, it is completely free from in terms of its shape and unlike any other chair you will come across. If, looking at one, you are wondering how a design so space age and complicated in terms of its shape could have been made so long ago, congratulations you have rumbled a little known secret. Though designed by the Eameses in 1948, the chair could not be produced, and remained a concept and no more until recent years. Looking just as current as anything designed over the last ten year, the La Chaise is a tribute to the forward thinking genius of the Eameses.

Terrys Fabrics retail in curtains and fabric.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Six Great Methods To Add Color To Your Decor

Author: Yannick Picard


Color is known to impact your psyche. It is a great tool to help make the most of your environment. Use color to create a particular mood in your rooms. Blue is a soothing and relaxing color, red can promote appetite and conversation, yellow can make you happy and increase your metabolism, green calms, relaxes and is a healing color, orange is warm and welcoming, purple is opulent, mysterious and spiritual. Below are a few suggested methods to add color to your environment, without repainting your entire house.

1- Create a focal point

Make one of your wall a feature zone. Creating a focal wall with a bold and vibrant color can really change the overall feeling of a room and draw your eyes to a particular area. This can really change the focal point of a room without any major redecoration required. However, remember that a little goes a long way. Opt for a single wall or a specific area to highlight. When it comes to bold colors, less is definitely more.

2- Throw in some pillows

Toss cushions, throws and accessories are a great way to add drama to a room without breaking the bank. They are also a perfect tool to liven a muted decor scheme. Changing these types of accessories allow you to alter the mood of a room at a moment?s notice.

3- Call on Mother Nature

Consider including a verdant plant, flowers or even fruits to your decor to create visual warmth and personality. If you are particularly green thumbed, don?t despair. Simply visit your local nursery, Nursery Furniture, and ask for a recommendation of plants that will require minimum care.

4- Add color to the floor

The floor of a room is often overlooked. An interesting, colorful rug, strategically positioned in front of a chair, under the bed or a coffee table, will add texture and tone to your decor. Opt for a contrasting color or an interesting pattern that will tie into your overall theme.

5- Update a chair

Give a new lease on life to a small piece of occasional furniture such as a side chair or stool. With the help of a small piece of fabric and a staple gun, you can bring this chair back to live in a matter of minutes. Use fresh colors on a small area like this to help invigorate your color scheme.

6- Think art

For a dramatic and fun touch, consider the use of colorful, strategically placed art in your room. The only standing between you and a vibrant scheme could be a great painting or a brightly matted and framed print or canvas.

Just remember, you do not need to use paint to add color to your decor. Use the one or more of the suggestions listed above to update and liven your home. Simple things such as carefully selected and placed accessories such as throw cushions, a vase of flowers or a bowl of fruits will have a significant impact on your scheme. So go ahead. Experiment with colors. You will not regret it!

A real estate professional Yannick Picard can help you find the perfect house for sale Toronto as he is an expert on the local housing market. Visit his site to search for homes and for Toronto condominiums. He'll be happy to help with all of your real estate needs.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Key Safety Issues Concerning Newborns

Author: Bethany A Bien


While designing your babyish nursery adornment is an agreeable and blood-tingling time, it's aswell the absolute time to apprentice about key assurance issues apropos to newborns. As you set up your nursery decorations, consistently ensure that anniversary account you abode in the allowance is absolutely adolescent proof. By acquirements about babyish hazards, you'll be able to authorize a absolutely safe and anatomic breadth for your baby.

The bassinet is the primary section in any babyish nursery adornment scheme. Since some earlier cribs ability not accommodated new assurance standards, it's best to buy a new one rather than use a ancestors heirloom. Cribs that catechumen into beds and annular cribs are a acceptable and safe investment. If you are reusing a adequately new crib, accomplish abiding that all the screws, basics and bolts are in abode and bound secured. Aswell ensure that the mattress and bonanza guards accurately fit with the bassinet and are still actual sturdy. If the mattress or bonanza guards arise worn, it's best to buy new ones so your babyish is able-bodied supported.

A accepted babyish nursery adornment for over the bassinet is a mobile. But it is aswell something that could abatement and abuse your babyish if it is not appropriately installed. When abacus mobiles and added bright and antic nursery adornment pieces on the abandon of the bassinet or over it, it's important not to accomplish any modifications to the accession directions.

Changing tables are aswell a key nursery adornment furnishing. If using a hand-me-down, analysis all the accouterments to ensure it is installed correctly, is deeply attached and in acceptable alive condition. When affairs new, accede appliance that adapts to your baby's growth, such as alteration tables that can be adapted into a chiffonier or chest.

As your adolescent, Nursery Furniture, begins crawling, continuing up and walking, your babyish nursery adornment pieces ability charge some enhancements. Or you ability charge to redesign your babyish nursery decor. Any appliance pieces that are capricious or can topple over if a babyish uses them as abutment for continuing up should be anchored to the bank with appliance assurance brackets. You aswell wish to be abiding appliance or added things that a babyish can ascend assimilate are abroad from windows. In addition, nursery adornment items like lamps, aerial knick knacks, or annihilation abroad that can breach if the babyish gets a authority of them should be confused to a college area or added to the furniture.

When planning your babyish nursery adornment for the windows, any cords from blinds or added window treatments should be anchored on a bracket installed top forth the bank or independent in a bond wind up device. Remember to install electrical bung covers on all electrical outlets, as able-bodied as smoke detectors.

Your little one is depending on you for its safety. Taking a few account to audit your babyish nursery adornment items will ensure that your bairn is able-bodied adequate and charcoal safe and defended aural the babyish nursery décor you selected.

Bethany Bien really loves being a mother, decorating nurseries and sharing advice and ideas on baby nursery decoration with mom's everywhere. Since you'll likely be spending quite a bit of time in the new nursery, it's worth while to ensure that it's secure, comfortable and pleasantly decorated. You can peruse her complete selection of essential items for your baby at=>

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Choosing Your Baby Nursery Theme

Author: Rebecca Johnson


Planning a babyish nursery is a big task. There is appliance to choose, walls to paint, assurance to yield into consideration. Probably the a lot of agitative allotment of planning your babyish nursery though, will be allotment your nursery's theme. The affair you adjudge on will set the accent for the accomplished allowance so it will absolutely charge to be one of the aboriginal decisions that you accomplish if your alpha the planning process.
There are an about amaranthine accumulation of capacity accessible for a baby's room. You could accept to go with something gender specific, a babe themed allowance for a babe and a boy themed allowance for a boy, or you may wish to accede allotment a gender aloof affair if you plan to accept added children. This will save you the agitation of possibly accepting to acclimate the nursery if the next babyish comes along. A blush angel, Nursery Furniture, themed nursery will not plan so able-bodied if your next adolescent is a boy. Likewise, a babe will assume out of abode in a nursery busy with cars.
If you wish to plan a nursery that will activate your babyish as they grow, accede ablaze primary colors and geometric shapes and patterns. Red, blue, and chicken accept been begin to be the colors that advice activate adolescent infants. Bedding and bank d้cor with geometric shapes and patterns will aswell do this abnormally if the shapes and patterns are large. This will accomplish it easier for the babyish to see aback it takes abounding months for an infant's eyes to absolutely develop.
Whatever affair you adjudge on for your nursery, be able to reside with it for a few years. A lot of babies are not accessible for a toddler allowance until they are two to three years old. If you wish to save money, accept a affair that will abound with them into their toddler room. Aback toddler beds yield the aforementioned admeasurement mattress and bedding as a crib, you could abide to use the affair and bedding you accept in a toddler allowance if you capital to.
No amount what affair you adjudge on, bethink to accept fun while demography on the accomplished nursery planning process. This is a blissful time in your activity that you will consistently be able to attending aback on fondly.
Rebecca Johnson is buyer of Decorating Your Babyish Nursery, a website committed to all aspects of planning a babyish nursery. Visit it for babyish nursery affair ideas.
Article Source:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Baby Furniture For All Your Baby's Needs

Author: Roger King

Source: download

Baby furniture will bring a quality to the home that reminds everyone who enters just how precious life can be. Seeing the joy on the faces of the parents is almost as beautiful.
Parents and family spend so much money and time organizing children's bedrooms, infant nurseries and playrooms. Parents should get started on designing and organizing the nursery well before their baby is born. Baby furniture is, Nursery Furniture, important to help make both the parent and child feel comfortable in their living environment.
The opportunity to design a nursery is very special, and parents should not take it for granted. The nursery is much more than just a room for the baby. It is an extension of the love and support that the parents plan to provide for the child.
Baby furniture can be found in most large-scale retail stores or in specialty baby stores across the country. Bright colors like yellow and red can be used to make the room more inviting. Pastels are wonderful shades to use in a child's room. Let your imagination run wild when you wander through the aisles of your local retail store.
Parents will be happy with whatever they get because the simple fact that they are now parents. The most important thing to remember when looking for furniture or toys for your baby is safety. A knowledgeable parent is a better parent.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Buying a Baby Changing Unit?

Author: James A Mason


There are many things a couple will need to buy when having a baby and one of the most important ones is a unit on which they child can be changed. As any to be parents will discover there are various different types of baby changing units they can buy. All of them are designed in such a way that they sit at waist height so there is no need for them to kneel or bend over when changing the child's nappy.

The units have been placed at a specific height in order to prevent any kind of strain or stress being placed on the parents back when changing the baby's nappy, as would happen if they were doing it on the floor. Also they are provided with an area specifically for carrying out this particular role.

Today's baby changing units have a solid top on which the baby is placed when they are going to be changed. Then below this will be some drawers or shelves or a mixture of both in which changing materials and equipment can be stored. On the top of the unit the sides will be slightly raised to ensure that the baby does not fall off and a removal mat is placed on top and it is on this the baby lies when they are being changed.

As well as the mats being removable they are made from a material that can be wiped easily. Plus a great many of the units can then be used for other purposes once they are no longer needed as a changing unit, some parents turn them into dressers for their child.

There are a number of things that need to be considered when parents are going to be purchasing baby changing units. The first thing is the height of the person who will using the unit the most along with what kind of material it should be made from. As they will soon discover there are a wide range of styles of units to choose from and most are generally made using either wood or plastic.

But which style of baby changing unit the parents decide upon is dependent upon how much they are willing to spend on it. Certainly the wooden ones are much sturdier and often can be converted to another use after the baby no longer needs to be changed on it, but they also tend to be the more expensive ones as well.

One other thing parents need to consider when deciding the kind of baby changing unit they want for the nursery is how much space they have available to place it in. Baby changing units are quite large pieces of furniture, Nursery Furniture, so where space is limited parents may find getting a changing table or wall mounted unit that can be folded away is the best option for them.

Which baby changing units soon to be parents choose is really dependent on the one that they find comfortable to use. So it is a good idea if they visit a local store selling baby items and try a number of them out. They can then either purchase the item from this store or to help save them money possibly purchase the item online instead.

Whatever style of baby changing unit that you choose, its important to take into account the above points and to not buy a unit based purely on price. The finish and quality of the unit is very important. You can buy baby changing units online from suppliers such as

Friday, November 13, 2009

Tiki Bar Construction

Author: James Coetzee


If you are an amateur at affection again an complete must-have is your own alfresco Tiki bar. Nothing abroad absolutely has the capabilities of axis your accouter or patio, or even your own backyard into a close oasis, just appropriate to set the affair mood. You wish to add an island feel to your pond basin breadth and adjudge to assemble your own Tiki bar. But afore you can escape to your paradise haven you aboriginal charge to do some harder work.

If you wish a big Tiki hut again it ability, Nursery Furniture, be best for you to duke the activity over to the professionals, as architecture projects appeal altered processes accident at one time. Amalgam a backyard Tiki bar absolute rarely requires a activity manager, architect and supervisor. It is not such a aloft architecture activity that will aftereffect in ecology and assurance issue, but just to be on the safe ancillary you can get a accountant plumber and electrician to install your bar sink, lights and electrical outlets if you absolutely feel that you charge it.

But, if your Tiki bar is alone brash for fun again your DIY capabilities should be enough.

It is awfully important that you absorb acceptable time in planning your Tiki bar. This will save you a lot of time and money if it comes to the absolute architecture of the Tiki bar.

There are abounding things to accede during the planning stage. You accept to adjudge if you wish a smaller, maybe carriageable Tiki bar or a beyond abode like Tiki hut. Deciding on the admeasurement of your Tiki Bar will aswell be afflicted by the accessible amplitude you have. Remember to leave allowance for Tiki appliance and amplitude for your guests. The architecture should cover abundant shelving and cabinets for your to abundance your bar essentials in.

Next on your agitation account is the abstracts bare to assemble your Tiki bar. In some areas it ability be a bit difficult to appear by the specialized materials; if that is the botheration again you can consistently adjustment it online. However, a lot of of the time you will be able to get what you charge from your bounded accouterments abundance or nursery. Copse recommended for amalgam your Tiki bar includes red cedar, cypress, mahogany, and teak.

After amalgam your Tiki bar accomplish sure, you allowance and amusement the copse to ensure its durability. It is aswell brash that you buy beard that has been fireproofed; you can never adumbrate area a cigarette will land. Clean alfresco tiki appliance consistently with balmy soap and water. Rinse thoroughly and try to dry off any balance baptize on the apparent of the furniture. Prevent stains by dehydration spills as anon as they happen. If you opt for acrylic as a aegis of copse appliance accomplish abiding that the appliance has been thoroughly bankrupt and abreast afore applying the paint.

Consider all the aloft mentioned if amalgam your Tiki bar and you will absorb abounding beatific canicule in your Tiki bar!

The author gives advice on tiki bar construction. To read more on building a tiki bar, visit

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Noah's Ark Themed Kid's Room

Author: Misti Norusis


Did you know that in Puritan England, the Noah's Ark was the only toy that the austere moral system allowed? At that time, laughter and frivolity were frowned upon, and it was considered "indulgent" to allow children too many playthings. However, the Noah's Ark was praised as a toy "that taught good character" because it borrowed from a story in the Bible!

Thankfully, those days have passed, and play and laughter are welcomed as a sign of a happy and healthy child. But even if most children have a wide array of toys to keep them occupied, the traditional Noah's Ark still continues to delight them. It must be the cute animals, lined up in pairs. It must be the happy rainbow glistening over the famous boat. Or it must be the story itself, of faith and hope, and the fun of having an elephant in your own backyard!

No wonder the Noah's Ark theme is a popular motif for a nursery—and one of the easiest to execute. It's easy to find furniture decorated with animal stencils and details. You'll find everything from beds to book cases, clothes stands to cabinets, even tents and art easels.

The furniture alone is enough to create a very obvious Noah's Ark theme room (and for a busy parent, it's most convenient to choose a few pieces without having to hire an interior decorator). But the artistically inclined can also add a few simple touches that will definitely turn the child's room into a work of "Ark".

-Make a sky wall. Sponge the walls a pale blue. Then cut out cloud stencils on a piece of cardboard, then paint with white. You can also buy stencils in a craft store, or even ready-made wall stickers. Be sure to clean the walls very thoroughly before, Nursery Furniture, placing any sticker, to avoid peeling.

-Hang an animal mobile near the window. The best ones are made of colored glass and reflect light. Or, you can buy small stuffed animals, and attach to a wooden frame with colored string. (Use a color that matches your overall motif.)

-Buy large stuffed animals (a tiger, a giraffe, an elephant). Then, wrap several boxes with a paper that matches your overall motif. The boxes should be of different heights. Group the boxes in a corner of the room, and then place the animals on top of them.

-Make a Welcome Sign to hang on your child's door. First, print out the name's child on a piece of paper. Paste on to a thick piece of cardboard. Decorate the cardboard with animal stickers (you'll find many at your local scrapbook store).

-Have an animal themed book case? Emphasize the theme by using real stuffed animals as book ends.
Buy an animal theme rug for the floor.

-Ask a carpenter to make a small, simple makeshift box that's shaped like a boat. Use this to hold stuffed animals or small toys that he wants to display.

One of the benefits of having a Noah's Ark theme kid room is that it reinforces lessons that you are teaching them in a way that they do not even realize on a more subconscious level. Such furnishings reinforce a child's learning through observing as they spark interest and open a young child's mind to asking questions, thereby allowing the parent the opportunity to further educate a child on a subject that they are obviously interested. A piece of child furniture based on the Noah's Ark theme is a perfect example of how just a simple piece of furniture can become so much more in the mind of a child.

From a parent's perspective, a Noah's Ark theme kid furniture piece is a perfect addition to the d้cor of any room. Many a child's room is decorated with animals. Complimenting such room d้cor, a Noah's Ark furniture piece can tie the overall theme of a room together. Furthermore, a Noah's Ark theme kid furniture piece allows for a parent to reinforce a very important story in a way that a child does not even realize she is learning. Again, young children learn more from observing than they do from instruction. So anytime a parent can establish the opportunity for a child to learn on their level, than the child and parent will both benefit. And the Noah's Ark theme kid room can do just that!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Decorating Your New Nursery

Author: Mr.Andrew Caxton -


Homes with children and homes without children have to be decorated differently, for many obvious reasons. Babies and toddlers are curious and will reach out for anything and everything, so their homes must be "child-proofed."

Preparing a baby's nursery is one of the most enjoyable activities that the parents can do. But it is also one of the most important. Indeed, when a new baby - or toddler - is on the way, the entire house must be prepared for them. Babies and toddlers will stick their fingers into light sockets, stick their heads through bars in their cribs, and place anything and everything in their mouths. So the whole house must be child-proofed.

But decorating the nursery, just like decorating any new room for a new start, is fun.

The crib

The baby must have a crib, and the crib must be safe for the baby. Babies will chew on the bedding, so its important that the blankets don't have chemicals that can get into the baby's bloodstream. Care must be taken with toys for the same reason - and no small toys must ever be given to babies or toddlers.

As the child grows and becomes mobile, they will start investigating everything. So you'll want to make sure the crib has railings so close together that there's no chance that the baby can get its head through those railings, and become trapped. You also don't want the crib easily broken.

There are plenty of stores that will sell cribs and other nursery furniture, including Babies R Us, which is dedicated only to that age group, but also the larger chains such as Walmart or overstock. If you're on a budget it is of course possible to pick up furniture, Nursery Furniture, and clothing from used-clothing stores and garage sales. Buying used is perfectly fine - why pay a lot of money for clothing that will only be worn for a month or two before the child grows out of it? Used cribs have probably seen several year's use, but as long as the crib is made solidly, it should last for a long time.


Baby monitors have been in use for several years now, so that parents can put a baby down and relax in another room, confident that if the baby should wake and start crying they'll be able to hear it immediately. Now that security cameras are so inexpensive, it's a good idea to incorporate one of those as well.

If a light socket is not used, make sure you place a plastic tab in the empty socket to prevent little fingers from poking them and getting a shock.

Bassinets, changing tables, toddler beds, strollers/walkers, and portable cribs will each need to be used, for varying lengths of time. Again, unless you're planning on having multiple kids, it's usually not necessary to buy these things new - when used will do. Simply make sure that anything you do buy is not broken - or cheaply made to begin with!

All furniture, from beds to bookcases to wardrobes (for those growing toddlers!) should be child-sized. This will enable kids to easily put things away, instead of leaving items on the floor for their long-suffering parents to pick up.

Wall Decorations
Babies and toddlers are too young to know what they do or do not like, so of course the parent has to make that decision for them. You can go for stereotypes - pink for girls and blue for boys, or explore a whole range of colors and decorations.

Wall paint is no longer made with lead, which was the bane of children everywhere for many years. Nevertheless if you're going to paint the walls of the room make sure that it's an easily washable paint. Wallpaper is good, just apply it properly so little fingers can't get between any cracks, peel off the paper and eat it!

With a little imagination and a lot of care, baby and toddler will have a safe nursery in which to grow.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Birth of a Parent

Author: Barbara Eastom Bates


So you're pregnant. Congratulations! Your activity is about to change in means you ability acquisition absurd (and we're not even talking about the abandonment of your already abbreviate waistline to accommodation a lot of commensurable to that of a Dr. Suess character). Abundance is the alpha of a new activity for a baby, but aswell a new activity for you as a parent. If this is your aboriginal baby, you may be abounding with an amaranthine account of questions and concerns. If you're a adept of the activity and accumulation room, you've got a bigger abstraction what to expect, yet every pregnancy, like every mother and child, is different.
Making Choices
While abundance and bearing acquire physiologically been the aforementioned aback the alpha of time, your options as a abundant woman today are greater than at any antecedent time in history. Afterwards acknowledging your pregnancy, your aboriginal (and arguably a lot of important) accommodation to accomplish is best of caregiver. While commonly in the U.S., affectionate affliction has been provided through obstetrical physicians and hospital births, there is a growing movement appear the acknowledgment of low intervention, midwife-assisted births.
How do you apperceive which is appropriate for you? Consider what is a lot of important to your bearing acquaintance (always canonizing that bearing is annihilation but anticipated and adaptability is vital). Are you absorbed in bearing naturally, afterwards the aid of drugs or invasive procedures? Would you rather accord bearing at home or in a bearing centermost as against to a hospital? A midwife may be the appropriate best for you. Conversely, if you apperceive upfront you'll wish an epidural at the aboriginal assurance of activity affliction you'll apparently acquisition the anesthesiologist at your bounded hospital to be your best friend.
Keep in mind, anniversary best has its pros and cons and it's up to you to counterbalance which advantage is the best for your needs. If you accord bearing at home and acquire complications, you'll charge to be transported to the hospital. Epidurals may accommodate accomplished affliction abatement (or not), but acquire potentially serious, although rare, ancillary effects. Some bearing centers will not acquire a mother attempting vaginal bearing afterwards caesarean area (VBAC). Being an accomplished customer in your abundance will acquiesce the best accessible bearing acquaintance and alpha for your new baby.
Planning for Baby
Somewhere about average to backward abundance (usually about the time you can no best see your toes because of your bulging middle), you'll wish to alpha authoritative apartment at home for your baby's accepted arrival. If this is your first, assurance yourself to the affliction, Nursery Furniture, of an accomplished mommy acquaintance who can anticipate "New Mother Shopping Syndrome," i.e., traveling to Babies 'R Us and spending an absonant bulk of money on babyish accouterments that, not alone do you not need, but you will never use. Yes, the mommy buck that emits sounds of the abyss is cute. No, your babyish will not be fooled. This is the time to breed cocky control, which will decidedly appear in accessible if your adored babyish has become a 16-year old who has just ashore the ancestors car.
Babies in fact charge actual little in the way of accessory for the aboriginal few months of life. If you're planning to ancestors bed, you can skip the nursery appliance altogether. Some acceptable choices of advantageous items cover a five-point accouter convertible car seat, a superior hospital brand breast pump if you're planning to breastfeed (Medela is the gold brilliant standard), and affluence of onesies for beddy-bye and play. A babyish bung is aswell advantageous for allowance mom get things done about the abode while still affair the baby's charge to be held, and aswell for alert accessible breastfeeding. Skip the babyish carrier, which can alone be acclimated for about six months, at which point you'll acquire to acquirement a convertible bench anyway. Aswell accidental (at atomic for now) are babyish toys, gyms, etc., which will not be of absorption to the babyish until at atomic six months of age.
Delivering the Goods
Prepare for activity and accumulation by accumulation a plan for your caregiver administration your wishes for birth. Discuss your animosity on all types of medical action including the use of epidural, IV's, amniotomy, fetal monitors, episiotomy, etc. Bethink that a bearing plan is artlessly that, a plan. Aback no one knows absolutely how any accustomed bearing will proceed, it is not a agreement of any kind. While the mother's acquaintance with bearing is important, the ultimate ambition is a advantageous baby, whatever it takes to accomplish it. A bearing plan is artlessly accessible in communicating the blazon of bearing acquaintance you would like to have, and if you acquire fabricated a astute alternative in caregiver, you will acquire anyone who will plan with you to account these wishes to the admeasurement they are possible. You may wish to appoint a doula to abetment during labor. A doula's purpose is to abutment and be an apostle for the mother, and can be accessible in accomplishing the mother's goals appear birth.
Surviving the Aboriginal Weeks
After nine months of cat-and-mouse and planning, your babyish is assuredly in arms. What next? Despite that you ability feel you've gotten abroad with something if the hospital agents in fact allows you to leave with your babyish (whom you anticipate you acquire no abstraction how to affliction for), canonizing a few simple tips can advice things go added smoothly.
Feed your babyish on demand. Don't try to agenda agriculture sessions, which can be adverse to establishing able milk accumulation if breastfeeding, and artlessly isn't acceptable for baby.
Keep a almanac of wet and decrepit diapers for the aboriginal few weeks to assure babyish is demography in abundant breast milk or formula.
Hold babyish as generally as possible. Contrary to what grandma ability acquaint you, he can't be spoiled.
Always bethink to abode your babyish on his aback to beddy-bye and belly to play, to lower the accident of Sudden Babyish Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Call your pediatrician if your babyish develops a fever, or if you acquire any questions or concerns.
Most importantly, bethink motherhood is a plan in advance and cut yourself some slack. You will accomplish mistakes, learn, abound and change. Both babies and parents are born, and neither alcove their abounding abeyant overnight.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kids Room Decoration - Things You Can Add

Author: Priti Chaba


Kids’ room is one of the most interesting places in home. It’s one place where you can explore, experiment and play with colors, curtains, showpieces, bedcovers and bed sheets and other items. It’s one place where innovation can be played with all sorts of engagements. One can either make a differentiation between gender â€" a girl child or a boy child or then make the decorations or can make a single room for both. However, if one goes for Boys room then he or she can put up themes like cars and trucks, construction, dinosaurs, pirates, space and planets, sports, surfer or trains. And if one goes for girls theme than one can add mermaids, angels, fairies, ballerina, butterflies, gardens, teen room heart, princess, tea party and so on. For the common one, one can have animals and safari, bears and teddies, stars and moons, nursery rhymes or Disney cartoons. Other things which are very common in India are adding glittering stars to the roof, adding teddies and bears at the corner or near the bedside of kids and so on. Toy boxes, beddings,, Nursery Furniture, wardrobes, chests and so on can be added to add glamour to the kid’s rooms. Whatever you add to the kids room, be assured that it has round corners and not the cutty or edgy corners, furniture’s which serve as multi-functional versatile pieces which can serve for reading, playing, hiding toys, learning toys and for playing. Use versatile low cost yet soft fabric for lampshades, pillows, bedcovers and bedsheets. Avoid using glass anywhere in the room, use wood or plastic as far as possible. Use semi â€" gloss and high gloss paints that are easily washable. Buy wooden furniture for study table or bed or closets. Or you can use plastic furniture also. The furniture should not be very heavy as it can hurt the child. Again glass is a non â€" useable thing in kid’s room/s. Keep lot of soft toys and books for kids like fairy tales, Harry Potter and movies of mermaids and cartoons to keep the kid entertained for the entire day. You can buy these from any of the leading online stores like HomeShop18 where there is a range of kid’s room decoration displayed at discounted prices. For more information, log on to its website.

Author suggest to you purchase latest kids room décor items and toys like soft toys, teddies, kids apparel, baby walkers and many more from homeshop18 kids toys store.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Animal Theme Kid Furniture

Author: Misti Norusis


It's so fun being a child nowadays. There are so many different kinds of toys. The computer and the Internet put the world at the fingertips. And they even have their own specially designed furniture—miniature beds, chairs, tables, toy chests, bookshelves, and clothes cabinets.

The Benefits of Specially Designed Children's Furniture

But what's so important about investing in children's furniture? For one thing, it'll actually be good for your child's health. When they use a table or a chair that's too large for them, they tend to hunch over, legs dangling uncomfortably, arms stretched just to be able to maintain their position without toppling over. This hurts their posture, leads to back pains and neck pains, and (if they fall) lead to injuries.

Young children can also hurt themselves trying climb up a chair or reach for a book on a high shelf. They can slip, break an arm, or have a pile of toys or books fall on top of them. Adult furniture may also have sharp corners or metal edges that can cut their small fingers.

Children's furniture is made for children, and is perfectly built to their proportions. But there's one thing, too, that children's furniture can do—they can create magic.

The Magic of Animal Theme Kid Furniture

Children have amazing imagination and energy. They are constantly daydreaming, thinking of adventures, acting out the favorite characters in their book, or creating imaginary worlds (and imaginary friends to explore those worlds with!). They want to conquer the jungles of Africa, or explore every nook and cranny of the farm. They want to ride with the animals on Noah's Ark, or even run away and join the circus!

Why not encourage their imagination and creativity by buying animal theme kid furniture? These beautifully decorated, Nursery Furniture, pieces instantly transform a boring bedroom into a jungle safari or a sprawling farm. Everywhere he looks, he sees cute and friendly animal friends: a bear, a lion, a black and white jersey cow. It's like all the pictures in the books—or even the images that he's created in his active mind—have suddenly come to life, thanks to animal theme kid furniture.

Our Favorite Animal Theme Kid Furniture

There's a wide variety of animal theme kid furniture. All of them are adorable, functional, and meet all safety standards. Choosing which one to use in a bedroom is entirely your child's personal decision (it's best to get him involved). However, here are some of the top picks:

Noah's Ark Toy Chest - This beautiful wooden toy chest has an illustration of the ark, done in vintage style. The white paint has been distressed to give it an antique look—perfect for a Victorian nursery or playroom. A giraffe and elephant wave hello and invite your little one to come and play. Truly one of the most charming pieces of animal theme kid furniture. Other options are the Safari Theme Toy Chest, also with a vintage feel.

Kid's Slumber Barnyard Fun Sleeping Bag - He and his friends will be as snug as a bug in a rug in this sleeping bag! Be sure to own at least two of these, in case your child wants to hold a sleepover. The bright colors and charming illustrations of cows grazing in a field are the perfect compliment to he rest of your animal theme kid furniture. If your child doesn't like farm animals try one decorated with funky looking reptiles and the words "Leaping Lizards!"

Noah's Ark table and chairs - Your child needs a table for drawing, crafting and other activities. These green and blue animal theme kid furniture sets provide a comfortable work surface… and are, in themselves, works of art. We like the color theme, which gives options to parents who'd rather not use pastels or primary shades.

Safari Table and Chair set - The bright red and yellow colors of this set looks very modern and so are the simple illustrations of elephants, giraffes and zebras. These animal theme kid furniture are a good investment for parents who want the room to be fun yet not frilly.

Toad Stool Step Stool - No, not the mushroom, silly. This animal theme kid furniture looks like a green frog poised to jump. It is sturdy enough to hold your child as he steps up to get a book or toy, and fits conveniently under the bed or table. For those who need a higher step stool, consider the giraffe step stool. The animal's long necks provide a handle for the child to hold and steady himself. These items can be bought separately or as a part of an animal theme kid furniture set.

Giraffe Clothes Stand - Always picking up your child's clothes? Tired of the daily search for missing mittens and scarves? The giraffe clothes stands are a great way of decorating the hallway while teaching your child to put away her things. It can also be used to hold school bags.

Butterfly Cottage Playhouse - If your child prefers bugs, try these butterfly playhouse. The bright colors match well with most furniture (including the ones used by adults!) and the soft walls and window shutters won't hurt him if he jumps or rolls inside. One of the cutest animal theme kid furniture. You can also get a Froggy playhouse and a Barnyard playhouse. We warned you it would be hard to pick which one you'd like best.

Completing the Look

After you've bought and set up your animal theme kid furniture, you may be so excited by how pretty it looks that you want to add additional accessories or design features. If space is a consideration and you may not be able to get really big animal theme kid furniture pieces, here are some decorating suggestions

Place toy animals and scatter in key areas of the room. For example, you can have a tiny group of stuffed monkeys peek from the corner of a study table or you can get an animal mobile (usually found in the baby's section) and hang over the child's bed.

Use animal stencils, sold in craft stores. Keep the color of the walls simple to let your animal theme kid furniture and accents take center stage.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Decorating A Baby's Room

Author: Mr.Andrew Caxton -


Most parents depend on their common sense in decorating their baby's new room, but common sense should dictate that you educate yourself on what's the best way to protect your new baby when decorating their room.

When introducing a new little one to the house, it's always fun to decorate their new bedroom, or nursery. Most of the fun comes from the shopping - seeing all the items available from furniture to clothing to wall hangings, and mixing and matching everything together to make a perfect whole.

However, attractiveness in a baby's room must take second place to safety. So before you buy - or make - anything, make sure you check for the latest safety guidelines. Using your common sense is of course the main thing, but sometimes issues arise that hadn't occurred to even the most devoted parent, so it's always a good thing to do some research and see what the latest studies say.

The crib
Cribs manufactured, Nursery Furniture, after 1974 have to meet certain safety guidelines. For example: Don't use cribs with stylish or decorative cutouts - babies can get their heads or arms stuck, corner posts - babies can hit their heads, or lead paint.

The space between slats should be no more than two inches apart - again, to make sure the baby can't get its head, or arm, between them. The baby will grow rapidly, so once it's able to stand and the rails of the crib are less than three-fourths the child's height, time to get a new crib.

The mattress fit is also important - don't use a mattress covered with plastic, and make sure the mattress fits into the crib snugly, and does not slide around. Don't have large pillows in the crib, either.

Convertible cribs
Kids grow so fast that they'll grow out of their first crib and soon need another. There are "convertible" cribs on the market - cribs that change and adapt as your child grows. These can be expensive to start with, but as you won't need to buy a new bed every few months...they become economic in the long run. However, make sure you know what the crib looks like once its been "converted" to make sure you like the design!

Furniture and Decorations
If you're on a budget, or even if you're not, many items for a baby's nursery can be bought second hand. You simply have to use common sense and caution when examining these materials to ensure that they're still sturdy, that nothing's loose - no splinters, etc.

There are many official sites on the web that talk about crib and nursery safety: the National Safety Council has a website, as does the US Consumer Product Safety Commission. (The US CPSC has webpages in Spanish as well as English.) The American Academy of Pediatrics also has safety tips on their website.

So, have fun with your decorating, and use some common sense. And common sense dictates that you check all available material and educate yourself on what's best for your new baby.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Baby Girl Baby Bedding

Author: Adam Pek


Are you cat-and-mouse to accompany home your ambrosial babyish girl? You accept to absolutely be aflame and acquisitive to acceptable her home. But what about the affairs that you charge to accomplish afore you accompany her home? Well, abounding of us overlook absolutely about the charge for a toddler babyish bedding in our activity to accompany home our array of joy. Actuality are a few important aspects that you charge to plan on, afore you accompany home your new built-in babyish babe -

The aboriginal aspect that you charge to focus on is to get her a admirable nursery with the best of the accessories and nursery appliance adapted in. The cold should be to accomplish her allowance arise great, while at the aforementioned time, authoritative her feel comfortable, adequate and blessed in her own new world. Ensure that there are no aciculate edges or asperous surfaces, as they may advance to abrasion and able-bodied on the baby's breakable skin.

Secondly, you charge to accept the absolute bedding for your babyish girl. You could opt for some of the best toddler babyish bedding or babyish bedding bassinet sets to enhance the looks of the nursery in your home. Your ambrosial babyish babe absolutely deserves the finest babyish bedding fabric. Therefore, attending for distinctively advised babe bedding with bendable bolt and adorable blush combination.

There are several things, which you charge to accrue in mind, while allotment the appropriate affectionate of toddler bedding for your babyish girl. In case you are borderline on how to accomplish a selection, again actuality are some suggestions which will advice you accept the appropriate affectionate of babyish bedding bassinet sets for your babyish girl:

When you are selecting the toddler bedding, your aboriginal and foremost belief should, Nursery Furniture, be her comfort. Therefore, while selecting the babyish bedding, you charge to ensure that your babyish babe bedding is actual bendable (which will accomplish her comfortable), as able-bodied as safe for your baby. Damp can could cause ache or affliction to the aerial derma of the little baby. Therefore, ensure that the basal of the babyish bedding is baptize proof, so that even little traces of damp are not accustomed to accumulate. For this, you can accept altered kinds of toddler babyish bedding, which are not alone admirable and comfortable, but aswell water-resistant and safe for your baby. Excessively bendable beds are alarming (since they do not accommodate any affectionate of close support) and so are the colossal toddler babyish bedding (that parents buy, befitting in apperception the quick advance amount of the babies).

Therefore, ensure that the babyish babe bedding you select, is neither too loose, nor too bendable as it may advance to adventitious falling and bottomward of the babyish or the bedding. If you ambition to accept a nursery, accomplish abiding that you accept a affair planned in your mind. Babyish babe capacity mostly circumduct about blush color, which makes the toddler babyish bedding attending affected and soft. Blush has consistently been associated with girls - so if you are searching for something soft, adroit and elegant, you may go advanced and accept blush babyish bedding. Blush bedding is accessible in some abundant designs, which accompaniment altered styles and themes.

They annual for some of the top nursery articles for babyish girls. You can attending for affable searching designs and patterns, which you would adulation to see everyday. The best best while selecting any toddler bedding is to go for amoebic sets for your baby. You can baddest blush babyish bedding, in cottons, wool, jute, or bamboo, which will accomplish your baby's nursery attending badly graceful. The use of amoebic bedding has become actual accepted because they tend to be bendable on the breakable derma of the baby, preventing the eruptions of allergies and derma rashes.

My name is a Adam Pek and I am owner and founder of One stop for all your nursery needs. is more than just a store. It is also a place where you research our articles for baby nursery decorating ideas, shopping tips or just to find out about trends and new products for you new baby nursery.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Personalized Baby Gifts Have a Creative Touch

Author: Janet R.


Giving baby gifts can be a bit risky sometimes, although gifts are a source of happiness, but it is not as always as what you have thought. There can be some embarrassing effects when it comes to giving baby gifts, like giving something that someone else has already presented. Coincidences are inevitable, thus choosing the best baby gifts can be a hairsplitting task. Today, where almost everything can be purchased online, don't be surprised if shopping for baby gifts are becoming even more tougher since an endless selection is available online.

When it comes to baby gifts, there are so many available choices you can find both at local and online stores. A good choice of presents for babies should include practicality as well as creativity. Apparently, the new parents will need several useful and practical stuff to care their little one. During baby showers,useful presents such as infant clothing, booties, hats, blankets, feeding bottles and etc. are some of the few things that could really help the parents after their child was born. However, such things can be too plenty in a shower, especially if most of the guests are living in one area and purchased gifts on a nearby store.

There are so many specialty stores that carry baby products that are in good quality. However, browsing through those numerous stores just to purchase a thing can take a lot of your time. Fortunately, there is an easy way out for gift givers like you. Why not make your own personalized baby gifts? If you think you have enough creativity to make one by yourself, then feel free to do so!

Actually, there are so many ways on how to come up with a creative baby gift. A trick to reach that goal is to use your creativity and imagination. Baby gifts are often cute, fun and colorful, just perfect to be incorporated with a personal touch from the giver. For example, you can make a personalized baby gift basket that contain numerous surprises for the little one. Your basket doesn't need to be a traditional basket – you can use a laundry basket, baby bath tub or even a bucket.

Aside from personalized baby baskets, if you know how to embroider you can some baby blankets embroidered with the child's name or initial and date of birth. You can do that, Nursery Furniture, as well on infants clothing, beddings, hats and other layettes. However, if you can't be as creative and crafty as other talented people, you can always purchase baby accessories that can be made personalized by an in-house craftsman. There are so many specialty stores that can provide personalization services such as embroidery and engraving. Most online products can be personalized, some of it can be for free while some may cost a minimal fee. Personalized baby gifts can be anything from embroidered newborn clothing, blankets, beddings to engraved keepsake boxes, dishes and jewelry. Of course, you can also find personalized nursery furnitures as well as baby travel gear.

Jnet is an author for a variety of lifestyle issues and topics including weddings. If you're looking for baby shower ideas, visit the website and browse their extensive collection. Find baptism christening gifts more online!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Practical Tips When Buying Baby Gifts

Author: Janet R.


Baby gifts are adorable for infants, however, buying one could leave you confused especially if you are not a parent yet. Buying baby gifts doesn't need to be lavish nor very stressful, but should be practical for both the parents and infant. As a gift-giver, buying baby gifts must be a fun and enjoyable time. There are so many cute and lovely baby products that will absolutely make you smile and give you an irresistible feeling. However, if you are a novice and have no idea about such, you will most likely end up giving same old boring baby present. But you can avoid that ending if you will just thing creatively and practically, enough to come up with a thoughtful and useful baby gift that both the parents and infant would really appreciate.

When it comes to giving baby gifts, as a novice, the first thing that probably comes in your mind are soft and cuddly stuffed toys. Such baby presents often come very cute and colorful, and available in a wide variety of selection in the market. But practically speaking, if you really opt to give something that can entertain the infant, instead of buying stuffed toys, why not consider educational toys like picturesque storybooks? Reading baby books doesn't only help stimulate the child's mind, but it also make a great bonding moment for the parents and the child.

Another practical tip when purchasing baby gifts is to consider travel essentials, such as diaper bags. Diaper bags makes a practical baby gift as it can help parents carry numerous infant items all in one bag. Different diaper bags are available nowadays, from backpack types to, Nursery Furniture, messenger-like diaper bags.

Most diaper bags nowadays are very stylish, and can perfectly fit to any outfit of the one carrying it. With a gift of diaper bag, the parents can pack all required items for their child such extra diapers, clothes, baby bottle, lotion, wipes etc. They don't have to worry when placing those items as there are different sections provided in a bag. If you opt for a diaper bag as a baby present, personalizing it with name or initial makes it even more thoughtful.

For an infant, another practical tip you may consider is buying baby outfits. Outfits for newborn are very essential, thought it doesn't need to be many because babies are growing to fast and can quickly outgrow their clothing. Baby clothes these days are very stylish also. You can find a wide variety of baby clothing with different styles, designs, colors and brands these days. Choose organic clothing that were made of pure cotton, perfect for infants. Baby clothes can also be personalized with the child's name or initials.

Shop online to see a more wider selection for baby gifts, from practical to decorative keepsakes that will surely get cherished for years. Thousands of online baby gift stores carry so many choices of gifts for babies, such as baby outfits, blankets and beddings, baby travel gear, feeding bottles, baby dishes, nursery furniture, baby gift baskets, and other baby accessories.

Jnet is an author for a variety of lifestyle issues and topics including weddings. If you're looking for personalized baby gifts, visit the website and browse their extensive collection. Find crib bedding sets more online!

Crib Safety Tips

Author: Heather Owens

Source: download

When you're getting the nursery ready for a new baby, the costs can quickly add up. It's tempting to buy the cheapest crib you can find, to try and cut a few corners. But remember - a good crib may be pricey, but your baby is irreplaceable. It's important to remember, though, that you can't just assume that paying more for a crib will ensure it's safe - keep in mind the following safety tips just to be sure.
Dimensions and Measurements
When you go shopping for a crib, take a tape measure along with you. A couple of things you should check include:
- distance between side slats should be less than 2.38 inches to prevent head entrapment
- top rail should be at least 26 inches above the lowest mattress level
- any decorative cutouts should be less than 2.38 inches but make sure they're big enough not to trap fingers
It's helpful if the crib you choose has an adjustable base so that you can lower the mattress level as your baby becomes more mobile. If your child can pull himself up to the standing position, then the mattress should be at the lowest possible setting. It's also important to measure the crib against the height of your child. Once the top rail is lower than 3/4 of his height, then the crib is too small.
Choosing a Mattress
It's always best to choose a firm mattress. When the mattress is in position, there shouldn't be any gaps between the mattress and the side of the crib. Try to slide two fingers down between them - if you can fit your fingers in between the crib and mattress, the mattress is too small. Avoid using any sort of plastic packaging materials in the crib, which can include mattress covers, packaging or dry cleaning bags. If the bedding becomes dislodged, it's possible the plastic could stick to your baby's face and cause breathing difficulties.
The Right Bedding
Avoid the temptation to buy lots of cute and cuddly bedding. You should never put soft bedding underneath your baby, and it's best, Nursery Furniture, to choose blankets that are breathable rather than thick quilts or covers. Babies shouldn't be given a pillow, because of the risk of suffocation. Never place stuffed animals or toys in the crib with your baby. Baby should be placed on his back, feet near the bottom of the crib, with bedding firmly tucked in.
Safety Issues
Be very wary of buying old or antique cribs, as it's possible they might have been decorated with lead based paint. If your crib has a drop side, make sure the latch is working properly. You need to take two separate actions to drop the side, or at least have to exert a force of over ten pounds to release the latch. Never place your baby in the crib until you're sure the side is latched properly.
Regularly inspect your baby's crib for any damage or wear, including sharp edges or surfaces. Make sure the crib is positioned well away from windows, curtains or any type of window furnishing cords.
Most of these tips are purely common sense, and you will undoubtedly have already checked for these types of things to ensure your baby's safety. But it never hurts to double check - after all, it's your baby you're protecting.
If you want to read more about babies, click over to Heather's site at