Sunday, November 29, 2009

Top Ten Nursery Design Tips

Author: Helen Burroughs


Nursery decorating should be a fun and enjoyable process. Unfortunately, however, many moms-to-be find the prospect of nursery design daunting and stressful.

Here are my top ten tips to help make your nursery decorating project a wonderful beginning to the awesome journey of motherhood.

1. Start Early

Start early in your second trimester when the nausea has passed (hopefully) and your energy has kicked in. Leaving it for your third trimester is a big mistake. Unless you are one of the lucky few who seem to be completely unaffected by pregnancy, you will be fast running out of steam by then!

2. Have a Plan

Have a plan before you pick up a paint brush! You will avoid much stress and many mistakes by putting in a little extra thought at the beginning.

3. Keep it Simple

Keep your design simple, including your color palette - the simpler it is, the less can go wrong.

4. Look, Look and Look Again

Spend lots of time looking at plenty of pictures before you make up your mind.

5. Draw, Nursery Furniture, a Floor Plan

Complete a floor plan before buying any furniture. A great way to visualize the room is to make large cutouts using the exact dimensions of your furniture. (Newspapers or plastic paint sheets work well.) Move these around on the floor until you are happy with their placement.

6. Be Practical

Make sure your design is practical. Think about how you will actually be using the room.

7. Wire Away

Make sure you complete all necessary wiring before you paint or put in a new floor. You don't want hubby angle grinding through your new wall mural!

8. Paint Samples

Paint samples of your chosen colors on each wall in the room and check them throughout the day in differing levels of light. Make sure you are happy with the way the colors look before you paint the whole room. Lighting conditions can have a dramatic effect on the way a color appears.

9. Think About Size

If your nursery room is small, stick to lighter paint and furniture. If your nursery room is large you can get away with dark furniture and you may want to warm the room up with cozy shades such as red and orange.

10. Washability!

Don't buy anything that cannot be washed or thrown away when baby spits up, pees or poos on it!

Author Helen Burroughs is stay at home mom to three precious little girls. Visit her website for more nursery design tips and enter the baby nursery photos contest when your room is finished!